Orlando Weekly

The Times-Shamrock Company has announced that is is selling multiple dailies and alternative weeklies which includes the Orlando Weekly.

The various alternative weeklies owned by the company are reporting that the company is selling all five of it’s alternative weeklies.

The Orlando Weekly posted the sale announcement on their site and included the following:

“The Orlando Weekly has been a strong, profitable investment for us for many years,” said Scott Lynett, CEO of Times-Shamrock Communications. “As we look to diversify our family’s holdings, it made sense for us to offer Orlando Weekly for sale to someone who could take it to the next level of growth.”

General Manager for the Orlando Weekly, Graham Jarrett, expressed enthusiasm for the long-term prospects of these multi-media properties.

“It will be business as usual for all of us in Orlando during the sales process,” Jarrett said.  “We are going to continue to serve our readers and advertisers, just like we do every day.”

According to TheTimes-Tribune.com (a Times Shamrock Paper) the papers for sale are:

The dailies being marketed for sale including The Towanda Daily Review and Sunday Review, The Shamokin News-Item, The Petersburg (Va.) Progress-Index and The Virgin Islands Daily News. The alternative weeklies for sale include the Baltimore City Paper, Orlando (Fla.) Weekly, San Antonio (Texas) Current, Cleveland (Ohio) Scene and Detroit (Mich.) Metro Times

George Lynett Jr., CEO of Times Shamrock Communications told TheTimes-Tribune.com:

All of these papers have been strong, profitable investments for us for many years. We have enjoyed operating in these diverse markets and the decision to sell was difficult. However, as we look to refocus and double-down on our efforts at home in Northeast Pa., it made sense for us to offer these more distant papers for sale to someone who could take them to the next level of growth.

According to Poynter.org:

In a statement, Michael Wagner, the regional publisher for the Baltimore, Orlando and San Antonio alt-weeklies said “It will be business as usual for all of our alt weeklies during the sales process.”

Updated August, 26, 2013 3:56 p.m with information from TheTimes-Tribune.com
Updated August 26, 2013 4:04 p.m. with information from Poynter
Updated August 27, 2013 2:30 p.m. with information from OrlandoWeekly.com

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