Over the past month you may have noticed a new building appearing on the skyline for Florida Hospital’s Health Village. The new building is the corporate offices for Adventist Health System’s Florida Division in addition to first and second floor retail.
The building is located on East Rollins Street and Alden Road. They realigned Rollins to make room for the building.
The nine-story building is set to open in February just in time for the opening of SunRail. That’s a good thing because the building will provide a gateway into Health Village for SunRail riders.
Rick Wassel, Executive Director & General Manager for Health Village told Bungalower that the one of the goals right now for Health Village is to provide a great experience and hub for SunRail riders. “We’ve invested $5 million of our own dollars to build out the hub of SunRail.”
That doesn’t include this building which will be the main building greeting riders as they exit the SunRail station if they head towards Florida Hospital or Orange Ave.
Wassel said the goal is to provide riders with retail options that will be desirable for those riding SunRail and for people who live and work in Health Village.
SunRail is expected to start operation this spring.
Spot a crane in the area let us know and we’ll do a post on it.
Here is a rendering of how the building us going to look: