Friday, September 20
PARK(ing) Day
PARK(ing) Day is a annual open-source global event where citizens, artists and activists collaborate to temporarily transform parking spaces into “PARK(ing)” spaces: temporary public places. The project began in 2005 when Rebar, a San Francisco art and design studio, converted a single metered parking space into a temporary public park in downtown San Francisco. Find out more »
Other Events on Friday:
PechaKucha Night Orlando v11
Saturday, September 21
Functionally Literate with Lindsay Hunter and Nathan Holic
Join us for Functionally Literate’s next literary function on Saturday, September 21st, 7pm at Urban ReThink. Featuring: Lindsay Hunter and Nathan Holic, two exciting authors, each with a new book out over the past few months. Presented by Burrow Press Hosted by Jared Silvia. Find out more »
Other Events on Saturday:
Great Orlando Hands Only CPR Training
Thornton Park District Signature Cocktail Contest
Running With The Lions- Miracle Mile
Oktoberfest ’13 at Orlando Brewing
Sunday, September 22
Eola House Open House
Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and District 4 City Commissioner Patty Sheehan are hosting a community open house on Sunday, September 22. This free event will feature Eola house tours, entertainment and family-friendly activities on the newly expanded east lawn. The two-story house was built in 1924 in the Mediterranean Revival style of architecture. The Eola House will now serve as the main office for Lake Eola Park and a welcome center for the City of Orlando. Find out more »
Running the Entire Weekend
13in13 #10: “Solos”
by Joseph Reed Hayes Sept 20-23, 2013 $15; A tale as passionate as the music. Solos is nothing less than the history of jazz in America, as told through the relationship of two people, in three movements and a coda. It is about love, deception and the hardships and joys of the jazz existence. At its heart is the fabulous, always-changing life of the music itself, a dance of timing, in which the rhythms of dialog mimic the rhythms of jazz and the music becomes the third character, reinterpreting the actors’ emotional involvements. Find out more »
Also running this weekend: