The SunRail trains running this week aren’t the only exposure SunRail is getting. New television commercials started appearing on TV recently.
Jessica Keane a spokesperson for the Florida Department of Transportation told Bungalower “The overall objective of the SunRail marketing effort is to build excitement in the community as revenue service nears, recruit riders when service begins, and sustain that ridership and enthusiasm for years to come.”
The new commercial shows people riding SunRail using the onboard WiFi in different ways including one woman listening to the Like a Cheese Stick parody song.
Watch for yourself and let us know what you think:
Updated: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the SunRail passenger was singing the wrong lyrics to “Like a G6”. It’s clear from the video she is indeed listing to “Like a Cheese Stick.” Bungalower regrets the error.
What a bomb! Yeah, highlighting that other people will be annoying you with their inane antics is a sure fire way to get people to…NOT RIDE SunRail. Who approved this fail?
So, SunRail’s idea is to emphasize the downright annoying thoughtless behavior of some people on public transportation?
What a terrible marketing direction.
Train wreck. No pun intended.
Sunrail is pointless to me no matter ho much I wanted it to work… it will take me 50 mins to bus it walk to my job from teh Maitland station how it stands now….
Ha! Too bad it won’t run on weekends or at night. 🙁
Lol after the hilarity I’ve seen on lynx. I’m curious to see how sun rail can top that experience. I’ll be sure to snack on cheese sticks my first test run.
At least it’s better than that creepy-looking squirrel!
Sunrail is a great idea….this ad is not. It makes me want to get in my car and avoid this annoying lady at all costs!
I love SunRail, but oh man.
It’s pretty awfully executed. The only good part is showing the train’s interior.
Lol. I don’t get it.