Our friends at the Ivanhoe Village Main Street and the Orlando Fringe Festival have teamed together to create the You Don’t Know Ivanhoe Pub Crawl.
The pub crawl is an introduction to the awesome bars of Ivanhoe Village for Fringe festival visitors from across the nation and an excuse for us locals to drink.
The pub crawl starts at the Hammered Lamb tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. where you pickup your wristband and passport and your first drink.
Admission to the pub crawl includes drinks at eight of Ivanhoe’s top bars.
Along the way you’ll be entertained by Fringe festival performers promoting their shows and to cap the night off there’s an open mic with the performers at The Venue.
Tickets are $15 if you purchase at the door, but $10 if you purchase in advance on Bungalower and just $5 if you are a Bungalower member.
Click here to see what bars are participating and purchase your tickets >>
Yep. Free drink with your passport at each bar.
Question on the pub crawl tomorrow – up until today, I thought the cost of the pub crawl was just basically a donation to Ivanhoe Village, but the way this post is written, it sounds like the Passport gets you drinks at the bars? Is this correct? I swear I’m not usually an airhead, but I couldn’t find any other mention of the Passport entitling you to drinks. Not sure if I missed something obvious, or misread.