Those plans fell through, but we have now learned that at least some of the people involved in that concept plan to open 1010 Brewery at this location.
The new brewery will still feature a bar, which is where they plan on selling most of the beer they brew.
The owners tell Bungalower that they hope to open by this fall.
There are still two other spaces available in the building, which is undergoing a facade improvement right now.
Sitting at a long red light during rush hour on Virginia Dr. Not driving… Sorry to confuse you.
Mills 50 will have a winery and a brewery! Yay!
Welcome to the neighborhood 1010!!!!!
-Steven Robertson Construction
OBP will have a place … too many fans
Why is Elizaabeth Rivera Facebooking while driving? Thanks for keeping us safe on the road!
Funny to read about this as I’m driving by the future brewery!
Just sent you a message 🙂
I can’t wait! this will be a great addition to the Ivanhoe Village!