Robinson St

The Florida Department of Transportation in partnership with the City of Orlando will be holding our city’s first Ciclovia.

A Ciclovia [Wikipedia] is a Spanish term meaning cycleway. They are a long-standing tradition in South America where they close miles of roads every Sunday.

During a Ciclovia event the roads are closed to cars, but not to people for walking or biking.

This first Ciclovia event in Orlando will take place this Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Robinson St, between Rosalind Ave and Eola Drive. This is the part of Robinson St is just north of Lake Eola [GMap].

Downtown Orlando residents and visitors are encouraged to bike, roll and stroll along Robinson Ave, where activities will be set up for all ages.

Highlights include a tricycle race, a bike ride hosted by Cycling Savvy instructors, and a games area featuring giant chess and checker boards.

FDOT secretary Ananth Prasad tweeted back in May that the Central Florida district was interested in hosting a Ciclovia event. The only other Ciclovia’s in Florida have been in Miami and Clearwater.

We’re told this event will only take place on this one Sunday and will not be recurring at this point.

Click here for the schedule of activities for the Ciclovia on Sunday.

What do you think of the idea? Where else would you like to see a ciclovia?

Correction: A previous version of this article stated that the event starts at 11:00 a.m. it actually starts at 10:00 a.m.

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