Rendering: I-4 Ultimate - I-4 and 408 (Day)

In a presentation to the Orlando City Council, the Ultimate I-4 team showed off some of the design elements they are looking at for what they are calling the signature corridor.

The complete overhaul of I-4 calls for adding two express lanes in each direction, sound barriers in some areas and reconstructing the highway. In addition the project will be adding design features in our area that include:

  • Improved ramps and turn lanes
  • Green Space at Paramore
  • Improve bridge architecture
  • Lake Ivanhoe gateway feature when entering downtown
  • Landscaping and fountains
  • Aesthetic lighting on overpasses
  • $1.5 million fund for artwork throughout the corridor
  • Lighting and design features for the bridge district under I-4 in downtown
  • Pedestrian Bridges which will be used as a model for the Colonial Drive pedestrian overpass

The fund for artwork is targeted for 15 locations along the project, with about $100,000 for each location. The artwork could include monuments, sculptures and murals. The team will be working with the different municipalities to determine what is best for each location.

While an exact schedule for the Ultimate I-4 project has not been provided,we do know that construction is scheduled to start this February and last about six-and-a-half years.

When it starts, most of the interstate that is part of the project will be under construction. The downtown area will be one of the last areas to re-open due to the 408 interchange. The project team says they plan to have all lanes of traffic open during peak times throughout the project.

Here’s a look at some of the renderings of the design elements in the downtown area:

Ivanhoe Gateway Feature
Rendering: I-4 Ultimate - I-4 and Ivanhoe (Night)

Rendering: I-4 Ultimate - I-4 and 408 (Night)

Rendering: I-4 Ultimate - I-4 and 408 (Night)


Maitland Pedestrian Bridge
Rendering: I-4 Ultimate - Maitland Ave. Pedestrian Bridge

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  1. Like others have said,there should be a provision for High Speed Rail; it doesn’t have to be built now, but the space has to be there in case it does get built in the future. And it is possible, the ROW of I4 is generous enough to accommodate the existing lanes, the 4 toll lanes and 2 (hopefully 4) rail lines if it is designed correctly and in a space-saving manner.

  2. msaplanner BestFootOrlando “Lipstick on a pig” I-4 would be great opportunity for a multi-way boulevard. Through-traffic use 417 beltway

  3. BestFootOrlando Orlando just a thruway…Art, lighting, ped bridges are window dressing for urban life destroying I-4 expansion.

  4. BestFootOrlando Meanwhile the working poor in the state is reaching 50% of the population. I guess some will use the bridges for suicide?

  5. Don’t let them fool you. This all about adding “Lexus Lanes” and FDOT Central Florida ongoing creation aof a private road system. These “EXPRESS LANES” are simply “Lexus Lanes”. Highways draw life from the city, not the other way around. FDOT’s pig-headed refusal to acknowlede the fact that adding more lanes does NOT alleviate traffic but adds to it without having other alternatives to driving. Do not let these glossy images delude what is happening here. We should be investing in alternatives to driving not adding more incentives to drive.@FDOT is stuck in the 80s with some outdated rule book. It is outrageous. Instead of adding “Lexus Lanes” it should be building a light-rail line. Wake up Florida!

  6. interesting that none of the renderings show what the motorist (stuck in traffic) will see…only aerials from a helicopter. I agree that the fountains in Lake Ivanhoe are a bad idea to those who use the lake to paddleboard, kayak, etc.

  7. bdurden0718 I think it’s still in the 2015/2016 FDOT plan. But you are right not part of the Ultimate project.

  8. I’m not sure about the fountains in Lake Ivanhoe. They contribute to more of an artificial feel like a retention pond than a natural, spring-fed lake. Otherwise, it looks great, but seeing a high-speed rail in the median would have been even better.

  9. Any word on the Colonial pedestrian bridge?  I’m not sure it is actually a part of the I-4 makeover project, but it certainly ties into the overall safety of the area for pedestrians.  I’d like to see renderings — hopefully it will be something iconic for downtown Orlando.

  10. Always double the budget and time when planning construction… BTW: how much does this pretty highway cost Floridians?

  11. oh, gosh, so last-century…. the money would have benefitted everyone if instead it had gone into train and bus service. I calculated the number of buses that could be purchased, driven and fueled for the money they are spending, and it was astounding.. more than 1000 .

  12. This would solve traffic problems now, so how will this project help when Orlando’s population grows from 280k to 440k by completion?
    Putting on bigger jeans won’t help you lose weight.