2015-01-06 09.21.43

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer married over 44 couples today in front of City Hall. As of 12:01am Tuesday, January 6, 2015 same-sex marriages became legal in the State of Florida.

The Vowed and Proud ceremony at City Hall was organized by the Metropolitan Business Association of Orlando, Central Florida’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce. It featured a blessing from Reverend Kathy Schmitz of the First Unitarian Church of Orlando and a reading by District 4 City Commissioner Patty Sheehan. Mayor Dyer officiated the wedding.

The ceremony closed with a performance from the Orlando Gay Chorus.

Orange County Clerk of Courts, Tiffany Moore Russell, issued the marriage licenses for the couples this morning.

The Center (Facebook | Website)  is hosting another wedding for more than 50 couples tonight at 6pm. They are located at 946 N. Mills Ave [Gmap].

2015-01-06 09.05.58

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