Photo by Michael Cairns, courtesy of Christian Kelty
Photo by Michael Cairns, courtesy of Christian Kelty
Photo by Michael Cairns, courtesy of Christian Kelty

St. Matthew’s Tavern (Facebook) has made a name for itself as one of the most interesting venues in Mills 50, with a repeating roster of out-of-the-box events like St. Matthew’s Cinematheque, the more recent Buh-Bye party, and now Joe’s NYC Bar (Facebook).

Joe’s NYC Bar is an interactive theater experience that immerses the audience into the show and transforms St. Matthew’s into a bar on Manhattan’s lower east side. The show first debuted back in the 2001 Orlando International Fringe Festival and ran in various incarnations up until 2004.

Joe’s NYC Bar creator, Christian Kelty, has gathered a notable posse of  Orlando theater types together that include names like Jenn Gannon, Michael Marinacchio, Anitra Pritchard-Bryant, Glenn Pace, Simon Needham, Michael Wanzie and Trenell Mooring, for the rebirth of the Fringe favorite. A rotating lineup of musical acts include Tod Kimbro, Eugene Snowden, Kayleigh Baker, Phil Longo and Mad as Adam are scheduled throughout the run.

Joe’s NYC Bar will feature six Sunday matinee performances beginning on March 15 and ending on April 19. Showtime is at 3 p.m. and tickets are $20 at the door or $15 in advance. Tickets can be purchased HERE.


Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of

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