doso devpmnt 5
Bungalower look liberties with the placement of this building. It will most likely not be so close to the street.

A current vacant parcel in Downtown South, at 2121 S. Orange Ave. [Gmap], is in PD to be developed into retail and commercial.

The proposed development will have a bakery with a sidewalk cafe, complete with seating along Orange Avenue.

According to the original renderings, the new space will house a Mattress Firm (Website) and a Corner Bakery (Website).

doso devpmnt

doso devpmnt

Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of

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  1. How sad. Hideous building, mattresses and more chain food. I wonder who wants to sit on an orange ave sidewalk to eat.

  2. Wasn’t there already a Mattress Firm for a while in SoDo (across from the Ace)? I guess they think they can last longer on Orange Ave as opposed to set back a block

  3. While not thrilled with the tenants (do we really need a mattress store here??  I will never shop here for a mattress), I am happy to see this parcel developed.  This is an urban corridor and this field has sat completely empty for too long.  No trees, just a dirty and weedy eyesore with no purpose.  Wish they could have done something more fun though like another East End Market…a South End Market perhaps????  Now THAT I would shop at! 🙂

  4. BARF. . . . . the cafe may be a nice addition, but a Mattress place?? And the building architecture (if you wanna call it that) is that same gross, plaster cooker cutter crap better suited for Colonial Drive.  Sighhhhh

  5. SODO is my neighborhood, born and raised, and while I would LOVE to see Orange Ave cleaned up – as the main southern entrance to downtown, it’s pretty nasty – yet another strip mall and yet another mattress store are NOT what we need. NOR do we need ORMC to buy up more mom & pop businesses, tear them down, and leave the properties sitting empty for years. Why do we downtown south folks have to head to College Park, Corrine Dr, Winter Park or other parts for interesting eating and shopping?

  6. Oh wow just what we needed! (drip drip drip) Oh sorry, can someone clean up that sarcasm with a nice little rag of “how many more strip malls does Orlando need?”

  7. I love Orlando for a lot of reasons. I grew up here so it’s hard for me to hate on the city. However, after living/visiting in places like St.Pete, Asheville, NC, etc it makes me sad that the city is not taking more proactive steps to create a REAL identity. One that does NOT involve commercial retail stores. I love the model of downtown Asheville where they don’t let commercial anything move in. Wake up Orlando more/bigger doesn’t always = better.

  8. That’s an unfortunate development for a lot with so much potential. (Love the way you all did the rendering, though!)

  9. SoDo needs to fill the retail space it’s got now (with something other than hospital support space) before building more retail space that will sit empty.