Here’s our rundown of the top ten things you need to know this week in Downtown Orlando area news.
- An RV park in the City’s east end is looking to become a tiny house community.
- The Milk District Gringos Locos added a new back deck area.
- The City is giving away six homes to public safety employees and veterans in Parramore.
- The demolition of Tinker Field began last Tuesday.
- The Mayor gave his annual State of the City address, here are some of the things that stood out for us.
- Local photographer, Ahmed Hashim, captures the City Beautiful in a series of beautiful individual moments.
- Stonewall Bar is in the middle of an extremely ambitious makeover, that may involve mermen.
- Eat More Produce is moving to Fashion Square Mall and Lu Lu’s Ice Cream has closed.
- Breathe Free Winter Park is trying to get Winter Park to become smoke-free (Orlando Weekly).
- The largest part of the Ultimate I-4 project is supposedly the I-4/ 408 interchange (Orlando Sentinel).