

Here’s our rundown of the top ten things you need to know this week in Downtown Orlando area news.

  1. An RV park in the City’s east end is looking to become a tiny house community.
  2. The Milk District Gringos Locos added a new back deck area.
  3. The City is giving away six homes to public safety employees and veterans in Parramore.
  4. The demolition of Tinker Field began last Tuesday.
  5. The Mayor gave his annual State of the City address, here are some of the things that stood out for us.
  6. Local photographer, Ahmed Hashim, captures the City Beautiful in a series of beautiful individual moments.
  7. Stonewall Bar is in the middle of an extremely ambitious makeover, that may involve mermen.
  8. Eat More Produce is moving to Fashion Square Mall and Lu Lu’s Ice Cream has closed.
  9. Breathe Free Winter Park is trying to get Winter Park to become smoke-free (Orlando Weekly).
  10. The largest part of the Ultimate I-4 project is supposedly the I-4/ 408 interchange (Orlando Sentinel).
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Editor in Chief of Bungalower.com

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