According to a recent article by the Orlando Sentinel the City of Winter Park’s CRA is looking at reducing the four-lane Denning Drive to a two-lane street with bike lanes and street trees.
The City’s economic development program manager, Kyle Dudgeon, announced at a workshop that the CRA was hoping to make the corridor more pedestrian friendly. The largest issue, according to Dudgeon, is that Denning lacks sidewalk connectivity.
According to an estimate from the City’s Planning Department, fewer than 10,000 cars travel on Denning a day.
A “road diet” refers to a process of lane reduction or road channelization where the number of lanes on a road is reduced in order to make them safer for all modes of transportation, not just the automobile.
To read the full Sentinel article, click HERE.
How is the bus supposed to pick up/drop off passengers? This could be a cool design if the cycle path and bus shelter were flip flopped.
Great news, now hopefully the plans for Robinson and Corrine come to fruition.
Orlando is still the most dangerous city in the world for pedestrians, people on bikers, and drivers. There’s a ton of work we could do, glad to see some progress being made.
I’m all for it man. I just don’t want to get creamed riding my bike to work.
We’re getting one over Colonial. Mills could be improved without the multi-million dollar cost of a pedestrian bridge by putting in bulb-outs and pedestrian refuge islands.
Good idea. Currently I’m on vacation in Oregon and they have bike paths everywhere.
Its about time Winter Park started doing something for pedestrians and bikes.
Next we need ped bridges over colonial and mills ! It will be good for business I promise .
I think this is a good idea as long as there is a middle turn lane included in that plan [so 3 travel lanes and 1 bike lane]. Traffic gets tricky in front of the park and Valencia already; a middle turn lane would really make Denning very efficient.
I hope Denning is just the first of many!
we did the lane reduction on edgewater in college park years ago. reduced accidents and increased business visability.
Good. Orlando needs more bike paths and pedestrian bridges!