
Photo via Creative Capital

United Arts of Central Florida and the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs have joined forces to bring Creative Capital to the area for a workshop. Creative Capital (Website) is a non-profit that supports innovative artists through funding and guidance.

Artists that involve community engagement in the practice of their art form – whether in the areas of social justice, education, public art or community building – are asked to participate in this workshop. Hopeful participants must submit their  bio/resume and a 1-page letter by Friday October 2nd, explaining their history with these types of projects, their interest in this workshop and how it will affect their work with the Central Florida community.

The Artist-Community Engagement workshop will be  9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 10 at the Orlando Museum of Art [GMap].


• Strategies and practices involved in making and supporting community-engaged artwork of all disciplines
• Managing and clarifying roles and expectations while preserving the integrity of both the work and the relationships made
• Ways to engage a wide range of stakeholders in the process, production, funding and distribution of the work
• Communication skills for working with stakeholders from varying fields outside the art world, including conflict resolution techniques
• Essentials of grassroots fundraising, community partnerships and audience building
• Understanding contracts, authorship and work for hire
• Case studies from a range of disciplines

• A handbook designed to help outline clear project goals and establish a roadmap for building beneficial community relationships and support
• Personalized feedback and guidance

• Participants present their own work and discuss challenges encountered in producing community-engaged work
• Lectures with case studies, small group activities, and hands-on exercises
• Facilitated by one to two artists with extensive experience in creating community-engaged artwork
• Full day workshop
• For a group of up to 20 artists; participants should be artists of any discipline working outside the traditional arts community who already have a community-engaged practice or are planning for such a project

Submit your application to [email protected]

(Want to learn more about community-engaged arts before deciding to apply? Check out Americans for the Arts’ Social Change topic page, , this recent blog post from Creative Capital, and this webinar from Creative Capital.)


Editor in Chief of Bungalower.com

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