Above is a very preliminary plan for a dog park in the recently saved Constitution Green space in Thornton Park [GMap]. We must stress that the plan is in the very early stages and nothing is set in stone, in fact a lot of it will change before the final plan is approved.
It looks as though the focus is on building a smaller dog run in the Northeastern corner of the lot and leaving the rest open for regular public use.
The City saved the lot from development by purchasing it for under $6M. More on that HERE.
I am SO very excited about this!!!!
I go to other dog parks in the area and there are often people there without Dogs, looking over the fence smiling and enjoying watching the dogs play. There are lots of people that don’t own dogs because of work commitments, physical disabilities, etc. that enjoy playing with other people’s dogs from time to time.
BeMcCar I agree 100%. When I go there, I rarely see anyone else. I like bringing my Dog to Constitution Green, but without it being fenced I always fear that something will catch Kaity’s eye, make her run into traffic and she’ll be killed. She loves to run and play off leash. When I take her to Lake Eola park to the large grassy area across from my Condo (530 East Central) to play fetch, I’ve been threatened by the park rangers that it’s illegal to have her off leash. I don’t often have time to take her to Barber Park or the Park of the Americas. She needs a place close to home that we can walk to on a daily basis, where she can play with other little dogs.
Animals crap outside, it is actually fertilizer for the tree. I’m sure nobody is following behind a racoon to pick up after it the way responsible people pick up after their pets. An off leash dog area doesn’t = a crap pile.
How often do you find yourself going there to enjoy this space? I walk my dog through here often because she loves to run around in the open space but aside from tall grass and the occasional homeless person, I don’t see anyone out there picnicking or reading a book. As commuters simply drive past, it will still have that level of ‘enjoyment’ I’m sure. Why not let people who live here, and don’t have a yard to speak of like myself, use the space in a responsible way that builds community. I would rather get to know more people in the neighborhood this way than at a meeting to discuss the inefficient parking and rise in vandalism/crime from all the recent development.
A great space that would now only be enjoyed by dog owners. What a shame.
JoanieMaxwell .. ?? Thanks for the reply!
Jared Vincent Walker Sr. perfect for Porter!
Save a tree then let mongrels crap all over it
At least it’s better than a condo or office building.
Well, this would be a leash-less zone. Dogs at the Wetlands have to be on-leash.
Thanks for keeping me informed. Not sure how I feel about this. We may enjoy it. I’ll let you know 🙂
I’d like to point out that there is a dog park by Greenwood cemetery less than 1/4 of a mile away. They should leave it the way it is…..open green space. It’s pretty nice the way it is and that’s why we fought to keep it.
Really? lol
Yes!!! DOGS are awesome
Why do bungalower and local real estate agencies continue to call this Thornton Park?? We’re actually ‘South Eola’ and deserve to be recognized as a great neighborhood of our own.
6 Million Dollar Dog Park
I’ve been in the ears of Patty and Buddy for years about this..! Thank you
Dream come true! The boys will be so happy!
What a shame. Beautiful open green park – one of the few that the City even has, and you’re going to ruin it by putting up fences in part of it.
I couldn’t be happier.
Just as I suggested.
I’m so excited about this… Finally, an off leash dog park that Kaity and I can walk to. With all the small dogs in the Lake Eola / Thornton Park condos and apartments… We need this !!!
Shanna White a dog park at the big tree on South!