My girlfriend and I live in the Lofts at Thornton Park, above Starbucks on Summerlin. We moved here a few months ago from Jacksonville Beach.  I do not think our condo recycles at all, so we were wondering if there is a place to drop off our recycling? We’ve tried googling, but no luck. Would you have any suggestions near downtown/Thornton Park? Thanks and keep up the good work!” – Dylan Kloeppner

Despite being named the most sustainable city in the Southeast, there are still not that many residential complexes in Orlando that recycle. For those Orlandoans that don’t mind schlepping their recyclables from their home to a public drop-off station, the City of Orlando has a number of solid waste, single-stream recycling containers that can be used by the public.

To see an interactive map of the recycling bins, click HERE or see the list below.

  • The Department of Corrections, 2301 Meeting Place (on the north side of the building)
  • Dover Shore Community Center, 1400 Gaston Foster Rd.
  • Engelwood Neighborhood Center, 6123 Lacosta Dr.
  • Lake Fairview Park, 2200 Lee Rd.
  • Mayor William Beardall Senior Center, 800 South Delaney Ave. (In the parking lot off of Gore Street)
  • Northwest Community Center, 3955 WD Judge Rd.
  • Orlando Repertory Theatre, 1001 E. Princeton St. (south side of building)
  • Orlando Skate Park, 400 Festival Way
  • Solid Waste Management Division, 1028 S. Woods Ave. (Front of the building)
  • Solo Food Mart, 2000 W. Church St. (Corner of Tampa Ave. and Church St.)
  • Southport Park, 8706 Daetwyler Dr. (Off Daetwyler, near the ball fields)
  • Fire Station 12, 1588 Park Center Dr.

Confused about what you can recycle? Here’s a list:


This list is also available in Spanish.

Editor’s Note: If you want your apartment complex to recycle, talk to your neighbors and start collecting names. If you can prove to your landlord that recycling is important to their tenants, it may make a difference. If you need a carrot to dangle, the price of adding a recycling bin is often offset by being able to get a smaller garbage dumpster. Be sure to refer them to the City’s Green Works department for more information.





Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of

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  1. The recycling dumpster behind the Beardall Senior Center is no longer there. Not sure why they removed it, it was full all the time the last few months I would drop off my recyclables..

    1. Update from the city – “Due to frequent contamination in the recycling container from household garbage, the public recycling container at Beardall Senior Center was removed. The next closest public recycling container is located in front of the City of Orlando Solid Waste Office at 1028 Woods Avenue.”

  2. This list is a great public service. Thanks!
    My condo complex in Seminole County used to have recycling bins but were removed because, I was told, some residents repeatedly put garbage in them. And because there was no way to know who the culprits are (and reason with or fine them), all of us lost our access to recycling.

  3. We have to go to once a week pickup! This biweekly recycling pickup is out of date and stresses me out! U0001f625
    My garbage on the other hand, does NOT need to be picked up twice a week…