SunRail will be closed in observance of the federal holiday on Monday, July 4, . Regularly scheduled service will resume Tuesday, July 5, with the 5:06 a.m. southbound train leaving the Sanford station.

Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of

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  1. Totally ridiculous. It’s how the rest of the country in cities with mass transit get to their fireworks displays.

  2. Someone should have had the foresight to have the trains operational. This is an excellent opportunity missed. Many people coming downtown for fireworks probably don’t commute using the train. It would have allowed new riders and cut down on the traffic which will ultimately be terrible. As usual. If they continue to only market the train to business commuters or only operate during business hours it will fail. Orlando isn’t a big enough hub and centralized enough to have the Sunrail survive on business ridership alone.

  3. Orlando could have footed the bill to provide the service. That’s what a true 21st century city would have done. What a wonderful way to “celebrate” considering the awful June Orlando experienced.

  4. This is what happens when you elect corrupt right wing jerk offs like Rick Scott.

  5. Chicago run the L; NYC Transit runs; DC Metro but Orlando decides not to run Sunrail U0001f644

  6. Doesn’t run on the weekend; when people would use it. Doesn’t run on a holiday which would minimize drunk driving? Wondering why this was even passed.

  7. Generally, transit operators use their Sunday schedule for holidays. If they don’t normally operate on Sunday, they close for holidays.

  8. Bungalower is how it’s done in other major cities? Or do the Transit Authorities just pony up some OT for the good people working?

  9. Let’s take a great idea and then try to squash it every chance we get! Oh wait, who’s our governor?!?!

  10. It’s really not “Orlando’s” fault here … this is a State decision to observe a Federal holiday … Fourth of July service definitely would make sense though.

  11. Yeah why run the trains at times when people you know need to use trains and it will actually prevent traffic and increase safety. Way to go Orlando.