Richard M. DeVos, co-founder of Amway, died in his home in Ada, Michigan on September 6 at the age of 92. The cause of death was attributed to complications from an infection.
DeVos was best known for a direct-selling method he offered via his Amway brand and also for his role as senior chairman of the Orlando Magic NBA franchise. He served as Amway president from the company’s founding until 1993, when he was succeeded by his son, Dick, and then his son Doug in 2002.
At one point, DeVos was ranked as one of the 10 wealthiest Americans, with an annual estimated net worth of over $5 billion.
DeVos was director of the Board of Home Ministries of the Christian Reformed Church and his faith motivated much of his philanthropic efforts including support of multiple conservative efforts like Focus on the Family and the American Enterprise Institute.
DeVos has donated millions to local charities and organizations including $10 million to the Performing Arts Center which earned him his own special events room, $10 million to UCF, and 12 percent of the Amway Center.
Rolling Stone ranked Richard DeVos as one of “The 15 Worst Owners in Sports” in a 2014 roundup, largely due to his family’s history of donating to anti-LGBT organizations.
Good riddance; the cabal of Devos & Prince families are religious zealots – Christian dominionists who want to impose their religious beliefs & judgements on the rest of society. They use their wealth, funneled through charitable foundations, to contribute massive amounts of money to organizations against open minded causes from public schools & pro-choice, to marriage equality.