Rendering via the City of Orlando

In the latest in a series of shakeups in the plans for the northeastern corner of Colonial Drive and Fern Creek Avenue, we’ve recently learned that a six-pump Racetrac will be moving in. Despite plans that were submitted earlier in the year HERE a Wawa will not be built on that prominent corner.

The property, a former home for a Chevron and Barney’s Steak and Seafood Restaurant, is located across from a 7-Eleven at 1601 E. Colonial Drive [GMap] and was designated a Brownfield in 2015. The soil is already being treated.

A knee wall will surround the 5,400 SF store on Colonial and Altaloma and a bus shelter is currently proposed at the intersection of those same streets, according to paperwork filed with the City of Orlando.

A construction timeline has not been announced.

Rendering via the City of Orlando

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