Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons, eating a freaking heart.

Bungalower Buddy, host of Orlando 60, and co-host of “Bungalower and the Bus” on Real Radio 104.1, Jon Busdeker, has teamed up with Bungalower Media to host a “heart-forward dinner party” for Valentine’s Day, focusing on everyone’s favorite love muscle; the heart.

Orlando Meats wunderkind, Eliot Hillis, has been hard at work creating a multi-course dinner that will be hosted at the Ivanhoe Village hot spot at 7 p.m. Thursday, February 14. The menu is meant to be a surprise but expect a variety of innovative dishes featuring hearts from all kinds of creatures and veggies.

Needless to say, this isn’t really a vegetarian-friendly dinner.

Wine will be provided by Digress Wine in College Park with romantic beats caressing your eardrums, spun by resident DJ Jon “The Bus” Busdeker.

Tickets are $100 plus tax, per person. Seats are limited to 16 diners, or 8 couples so reserve your seats HERE before they sell out.

Orlando MEats is located at 728 Virginia Drive [GMap].

Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of Bungalower.com

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