“Why did the yoyo cross the road? Because it was walking the dog.”

The 2019 South East Yo-Yo Championships (Website) are taking place 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, March 2 at the Orlando Repertory Theatre.

Winners from the regional contests will qualify for the semi-finals to progress to the National Yo-Yo Contest taking place July 6-7 in Philadelphia, PA, but they must be US Citizens or full-time residents of the United States. Non-US citizens will be scored in the International Open division.

We don’t know what it costs to compete, what the competition looks like, if there’s an obstacle course or some sort of choreographed curtain call number, but we do know that a yo-yo-centric event sounds like something you need to know about.

The Orlando REP is located at 1001 E. Princeton Street [GMap].

Editor in Chief of Bungalower.com

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