Two years after the Corrine Drive Complete Streets Study was initiated in 2017, an official design recommendation has finally been released by project lead, MetroPlan Orlando.
The new plan for Audubon Park’s Corrine Drive wasn’t as drastic a change as some proponents demanded, but should make nearby Baldwin Park residents happy by keeping the 2-mile corridor to five lanes along the busiest stretch of road between East End Market and Park Ave CDs; the entire length of the road studied ranged from
U.S. 17/92 to Bennett Road.
The decision to keep that stretch at five lanes was based on the findings that reducing traffic lanes would result in excessive drive times. Despite the auto-centric focus of that decision, the plan also calls for the construction of six-foot sidewalks on the north side and on-street parking on the south side of the street, paralleled by a 12-foot multi-use path for pedestrians and cyclists.
Parking would be eliminated on the north side of the street to allow for the construction of the larger sidewalk.
The addition of visual speed bumps like median islands with trees and pedestrian bump-outs would encourage drivers to reduce their speeds to an estimated 30 mph along this stretch; a needed improvement as the study points out that 75 percent of drivers go over the 35 mph speed limit while passing through.
The stretch of Virginia Drive to the west that is largely surrounded by residential uses would be reduced to three lanes, with on-street parking on both sides, with a two-way cycle track along the north side.
Other notable features of the design include crosswalks at East End Market that have dedicated on-demand traffic signals for pedestrians, and raised sidewalk levels at Fern Creek and Winter Park Road.
Scroll down to see the report for yourself.
The price tag for the recommended design concept is estimated at $10-14 million with a construction timeline of five to ten years.
MetroPlan did virtually no citizen input. Let’s hope the use intelligent traffic controllers. I am not at all impressed with this plan. I’d like to send you my Greener Green Lights rant.