Orange County Mayor Deming’s Transportation Initiative is attempting to gather feedback from county residents on what they think our region needs in regards to transportation.
The county is hoping for a 1 percent participation rate by February 7 (7,500 people) when the survey ends.
Feedback will be used to help the county plan solutions for commuting times, expanding public transit, and improving pedestrian and cyclist safety.
Click HERE to participate.

I’m an avid SunRail user and my only complaint is that I want more service including later nights and weekends. If this tax goes towards transportation needs only, I’m for it 100%.
I agree with LA Lawrence, infrastructure needs attention, and instead of the tax payer footing the bill thru whatever means, put this out to bid to a private company, let THEM bear the profits or losses, and the County receives a lifetime fee monthly, just like vendors pay at outdoor events. Why continually load up the tax payers, tourist, and any other sources to pay for crap you should bid out!! Time to tighten the belt.
Tired of driving on poorly maintained pot hole scarred roads!!! All ya’ll care about is tourism – not infrastructure. Sick of it!
I haven’t seen any listing of projects this penny tax will be funding. When I have seen project list and projected cost I may support it. Until then I would vote no.
I believe the purpose of this survey is to determine the projects residents would like to be funded. Mayor Demmings has stated the difference between his proposal and the one that failed in Osceola County is that his will be clear on the projects that it will be used for.
Here is a link to the survey.
which redirects to