Keep Orlando Beautiful (Facebook | Website) has launched a program called Adopt-A-Spot that will help give residents some agency in their neighborhoods during the pandemic.

Interested families and individuals can reach out to the organization to sign up to essentially adopt a specific location in town and pledge to maintain it with regular litter pickups and graffiti removal efforts.

In exchange, Keep Orlando Beautiful will work with you to schedule and deliver pre-sanitized cleanup supplies at your door, with supplies available for groups of up to ten people. You can request one of the following packages:

  • Litter Prevention Package – litter picker-uppers, gloves, trash bags, vests, and a reusable water bottle.
  • Graffiti Removal Kit – graffiti wipes, gloves, scrub brushes, reusable water bottle.

Adopt-A-Spot volunteers are asked to maintain their chosen location at least twice a month. Volunteers will also be asked to follow certain safety guidelines based on City of Orlando, CDC, and Keep America Beautiful recommendations when engaging in litter prevention efforts and group activities.

IF you maintain your spot for three consecutive months, you’ll get a special Keep Orlando Beautiful Appreciation Package for your hard work.


Keep Orlando Beautiful is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that was founded in 1987 and is administered by the City of Orlando’s Streets and Stormwater Division in the Public Works Department.

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