The City of Orlando is giving away free trees this month in honor of Earth Day, on April 22nd.

This year residents can order up to two free trees for their property in just four easy steps at THIS website.

  1. Enter your address.
  2. Outline your home in the grey box.
  3. Choose the tree you want.
  4. Drag the green dot where you would like to plant your tree.

The tree will then be delivered to your front door.

The City of Orlando would also like to remind residents that they should call 811 to locate any underground utilities before digging.

This year’s tree selections include red maple, tulip trees, drake elm, eastern red cedar, and tonto crepe myrtle (not a drag queen).

Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of Bungalower.com

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  1. Kind of sucks when it doesn’t cover the county areas if Orlando.

    Was hoping it would cover my area, but sadly it didn’t.

    And I live less than 2 miles from the Orlando/Orange County nursery where they probably get these trees from.