Yelp, the popular user review platform, has just released a list of the Top 100 restaurants in the state, as ranked y is users. Orlando succeeded in placing seven (very) different restaurants, including:
- Chicken Fire (Instagram | Uber)
- Craft & Common (Instagram)
- Happy Snapper Seafood Restaurant (Instagram)
- Kadence (Instagram | Website)
- Mee Thai Restaurant (Instagram)
- Selam Ethiopian and Eritrean Cuisine (Instagram | Website)
- ShouFi MahFi Mediterranean Grill (Instagram | Website)
- Zeytin Turkish Cuisine (Instagram)
According to the Yelp website, the rankings were based on a variety of factors, including total volume and ratings of reviews. All restaurants also have a passing health score as of April 20, 2022.
Click HERE for the full list on the Yelp website.
Ha! They’re like the Yellow Pages meets BBB. Pay to play or ELSE they’re write about you how THEY want.