“Hey, Brandon. So something weird you might want to look into. The city of Orlando offers yard waste pickups of larger amounts (more than just regular Thursday yard waste). I’ve been scheduled for three weeks now and both times I’ve called, the person tells me that they don’t have any drivers for the claw truck so I have a huge amount of yard debris in my front yard with no service to get it. Not sure what’s going on but I find it super strange.”
Well, Julie isn’t alone. A lot of people are on that growing list of extra yard waste pickup, sipping on their morning coffees and staring out their windows while the piles leave big brown thumbprints on their lawns by the curb.
We reached out to our contacts at City Hall who told us that they’re working hard to train new staff to run their special yard waste pickup truck so they can resume service as usual. But that could take some time.
“This issue is related to internal promotions and additional training needed for current staff to operate the claw truck. We are currently training up staff on this equipment and are working with our regular yard waste pick-up crews when possible to assist during this time. If you have a specific address for this resident, we’d be happy to look into this situation specifically.”
So if you’re like Julie, just keep calling the City and they’ll be getting around to your home soon-ish. When they have safely trained new staff to run the truck.
Do you have something you want us to look into for you? Send your question to [email protected] and we’ll check it out!
I remember when I lived in Orlando they wouldn’t even touch my yard waste, I had to hire a yard debris removal company to do it for about $300. For smaller bundles of yard debris, I had to call the trash company like 3 times in one day to finally get it scheduled.