The Ivanhoe Village Main Street (Facebook | Website) is looking to expand its Art Panel Enhancement Project and has issued a Call to Artists.
The program provides aluminum canvases that are attached to the exterior of buildings around the neighborhood after they’ve been transformed into art by local artists, transforming the streets into a sort of pop-up public art gallery.
The 4×8-foot panels are aligned vertically and the artwork must be visible by passing cars as well as pedestrians. They can’t contain religious symbols or references, political messages, copyrighted material, or corporate branding. They should not contain signage or lettering.
Submissions are open to professional artists and/or artist teams over the age of 16 who live in Central Florida and must be completed over a four-week period once chosen by the Ivanhoe Village Main Street Design Committee.
Artists will receive an honorarium of $500, which includes artist fees and supplies, with 50% of the money being paid at the beginning of the project and the second half being awarded upon completion of the artwork.
Click HERE for more information or to apply.