Gnarly Barley (Instagram | Website), in its ongoing efforts to make people like Malort, will host a special cocktail competition on Monday, November 25, highlighting the foul-tasting liqueur.

Malort is a bitter, wormwood-based liqueur with a taste that’s been described as being similar to battery rust, pencil shavings, and ear wax. It was invented by a Swedish immigrant named Carl Jeppson who marketed it as a medicine to treat stomach worms and parasites when he first moved to Chicago in the 1930s. It’s since grown to be a big part of Chicago’s drinking scene and is seen as a right of passage. The Malort brand will be attending the competition (probably hoping to get some ideas).

Gnarly Barley has invited some of the best bartenders in the region to try to make delicious cocktails that both celebrate and embrace the liqeur. Attendees can come and try the cocktails starting at 7 p.m. The kitchen will be closed but Red Panda Noodles will be serving on site.

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