“Hey, Bungalower. Have you seen this petition going around? It seems crazy that the City would do this to small food truck operators. Can you share?!”
An online petition is making the rounds on social media pointing a digital finger at Orlando City Hall for “a new ordinance which mandates that all mobile food vendors within city limits, outside of the Downtown Entertainment Area, must cease operations at midnight.” And while some of you may disagree with that rule, it’s something that’s been in place since 2013 when the City first launched its pilot program for mobile vending.
That pilot program was extended in 2019 and then codified this year, which we’ve told you about HERE. And while some things were changed, namely where you can and cannot park a mobile vendor (City Hall wants you to have written permission from a landowner and get a master plan if you’re parking somewhere on a regular basis), the times when vendors can operate was not changed.
Food trucks in the Downtown Entertainment Area can actually operate until 3 a.m. but need special approvals from the City to park in the right-of-way or in approved spots.
The petition, created by Zachary Maxwell, the owner and operator of Maxtro’s (Instagram), a local food truck specializing in “gourmet comfort food,” says the City is limiting access to quality food and is over-regulating mobile businesses in favor of brick and mortar businesses.
Click HERE to read their petition.