The City of Winter Park will host a special ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Seven Oaks Park, located at the corner of Denning Drive and Orange Avenue, on Saturday, February 8, at 9 a.m.
Seven Oaks Park is a new 2.4 acre park featuring passive and active amenities including garden zones, shade trellises, open spaces, public parking, and paved pathways and connections. Other features include day and evening amenities, future pop-up events, play areas, a variety of seating options, and public restrooms.
After the ribbon cutting, the community is invited to enjoy an array of activities in the park including local vendors, a free Pilates/yoga class, bounce slide, face painting, Family Fun Program craft and music by School of Rock Winter Park until 11 a.m. Parking will be available off of Cypress and Palmetto avenues.
“We are so excited to expand the city’s greenspace with the grand opening of Seven Oaks Park. This new park is a space where families, neighbors and friends can connect with each other, nature and local businesses. I hope it will be a space that’s enjoyed by our community for generations to come,” shared Mayor Sheila DeCiccio.
Naming options for the new $3.1 million, 1.4-acre park included Progress Point Park and Gateway Park, but in the end, Seven Oaks Park was the winner; named after seven large live oaks that were installed there in 2022.