The City of Orlando is looking to hire a new full-time Sustainability Initiative Manager in the Office of Sustainability and Resilience.

The position performs administrative work related to the city’s internal and community-wide innovation programs, as detailed in the Future-Ready City Master Plan. They coordinate the efforts of city agencies, expert partners, residents, and other stakeholders in order to achieve the City’s future-ready city goals:

  • Addressing disparities in access to high-speed internet
  • Advanced air mobility and autonomous vehicles
  • Digital twin programs
  • Smart buildings and resilience hubs
  • Entrepreneur engagement initiatives

An ideal candidate should have a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, Urban Planning, Sustainability, Business Administration, Public Policy or Administration, Engineering, Social Science, Data Science, or at least four years of experience in those fields.

The salary is $69,867-$89,065 annually.

Click HERE for the job listing or to apply.

Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of

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  1. “Advanced air mobility and autonomous vehicles” Seriously? Stop trying to make flying taxis happen. Just support better bus service and build safe bike lanes.

    Also, no mention of waste management (like reducing contamination, better recycling or curbside compost) or run off (sustainable storm water management). This “city’s” priorities are so out of wack. How much time’s left on Dyer’s millionth term? We can’t get new leadership fast enough.