We mentioned at the end of July that some folks in Mills 50 district were raising money for the installation of a public art piece. With less than 10 days left in the Kickstarter fundraising campaign, the project passed it’s goal of $4,400.
This is the first installation of a larger Urban Art Museum project that the partners at Process Architecture are working on. This installation will be in the space in-between 932 and 934 North Mills Avenue.
James Cornetet a Partner at Process Architecture tells us they are already working on the next installations and are in the process of setting up a 501(c)3.
“We received over 40 backers, and 300 Facebook likes in just a couple of weeks. That tells us that people actually want the Urban Art Museum in Orlando,” Cornetet said.
Here is some more information from Cornetet on the first sculpture and when it will be unveiled.
Yesterday we finalized the design with Marcos Cruz. The first piece will be truly impressive, measuring 2’10” wide, nearly 14’ tall and will be made of Aluminum. Although the size is substantial, the content, quality and color will be sure to please our early patrons.
The sculpture will be unveiled October 4th, 6p-9p. We had a slight delay in the unveiling due to the procurement of some new technology that will be used for creating this first piece, but the wait will not disappoint.
For anyone interested in learning more about Marcos the artist, head over to Jai Gallery where you can view his art, and also buy a piece of art created by Marcos to commemorate the event. Pieces range from $10-$500 and all proceeds will go to the UAM.