Orange Cycle Expansion Photo

Orange Cycle (Website | Facebook) located at 2204 Edgewater Dr. is building a new building on the property to the west of their exiting building.

The new building at 715 W Princeton St (btwn. Edgewater Dr. & Westmoreland Dr.) will sit on the property that was 715 & 719 and the building it titled 7159 Princeton on the plans.

The building will be two stories with retail on the first floor and offices on the second floor.

Here is a rending they have posted in their shop:

Orange Cycle Expansion Rendering


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  1. I see, the building is facing Edgewater. Got it.
    So it will create the same disconnection Credo has to the west with the next building on W. Smith St? Perhaps the proposed building should be located adjacent to existing Orange Cycle building. This shall give you the opportunity to develop more buildings in the future. Just a thought. Good luck with the development.

  2. The tragedy of this development is not the architecture, it is the building placement within College Park’s Main Street urban context. The parking placement interrupts pedestrian safety by introducing oversize entryways into Edgewater instead of following historical precedents where parkings are located behind businesses. I have always considered College Park as one of the best place for families, business, and civil life. Yet somehow while our nation is moving forward developing walkable places, Orlando finds its way to move backwards with this type of development. I wonder for how long? College Park residents and visitors deserve better.

    1. FYI The building faces Princeton and not Edgewater. This building bridges the commercial area to the pedestrian area. Prior to this building there were two residential houses on it.

    2. The parking entryways are off of Princeton, not Edgewater. The entire project is located behind the line of shops that currently houses Orange Cycle.

  3. Not sure what the big hub bub is about. The architecture may not be a work of art but it’s competent I think it will be nice addition to the center of College Park. It might be nice if there were no new parking added (all the parking on the right is existing serving the building that faces Edgewater Dr), but I’m sure the neighbors would not have been thrilled with that idea.

  4. Awful design! I can’t believe the City of Orlando approved this development. It does follow a continuum enclosure effect that characterizes College Park’s walkability.