Lamp SHade Fair Peace Out

Artist Sebastian Coolidge (Facebook) painted a new mural on the side of the Lamp Shade Fair building in Mills 5o.

The building is at 1336 N Mills Ave [GMap].

The mural is titled Peace Out.

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  1. I like the art. it also sounds like we have some parents stunting their childrens’ social development in theses comments. If this is vulgar you must have missed the dan newlin billboards. Sheesh!

  2. This is awesome, finally not Andrew Spear mural. For the rest of commenters under here, i’m not quite sure if any of you understand street art… Props to Sebastian to pulling this one off!

  3. Who approves the murals? This is not in good taste… Hopefully my child doesn’t ask any questions as we drive by this place all the time. “Oh don’t worry sweetie… That’s just a girl cut in half with a random peace sign in her torso”

  4. It would’ve been so great to have an illustration on the side of The Lamp & Shade Fair building that incorporates the wonderful lamps and fixtures available there. Local businesses statewide like Lamp Shade Fair need our community support and business. A painting with the fare at the Fair would help folks speeding by know what is sold behind that brick and concrete wall.

  5. Am I the only one disturbed by the fact that the girl is sliced in-two? Disturbing.

  6. I understand a lot of art….but I too am having trouble wrapping my head around this one. Actually my first thought it was children perceive it as? Maybe someone can offer a thought on that to help?

  7. He’s talented, creative and thinks beyond the norm…but I don’t love this.

  8. “Why does the city make it so hard for small businesses to navigate permitting, signage and other issues, when it should be doing all it can to support them?” BTW I couldn’t agree more with this. We’ve been in many conversations with the City about just this. It’s a major problem.

  9. That was on odd issue where the signs weren’t allowed based on the zoning in the area. Once it get to someone beyond the Code Enforcement officer they are really trying to work out how to help the business. There have been some folks looking at banning or regulating murals…that I would have an issue with.

  10. That has nothing to do with a mural. Last I spoke to her she is working with the City and she may not have to make any changes or pay anything.

  11. “However, her actual sign with her business name on it? That one’s still in violation. And so, code enforcement has determined, is the sign on the business that’s located in the same building: Kyle’s Bike Shop, which has been at that location for eight years. The businesses will have to obtain a $500 variance to keep their signage in place. Lafser says the sign problem is “unrelated to the mural” – though the mural is what drew the city’s attention to the signs in the first place.
    Which leads to an even bigger issue: Why does the city make it so hard for small businesses to navigate permitting, signage and other issues, when it should be doing all it can to support them?
    “There is definitely a need for a more user-friendly City Hall,” says Scottie Campbell, director of the Ivanhoe Village Main Street. “These are small business owners, not city planners, and the concept of zoning is not an easy thing to wrap your mind around, nor is permitting. A sign is a sign, right? Not really. It is subject to certain permitting requirements and the need for that is puzzling to your average person.”
    Gregory-Propst agrees. “At this point, it’s almost comical,” she says. “I just want to make some damn pie.””

  12. Right now it’s OK to put up a mural in the City. The issue has been when the mural is sign for the business. Also, the City didn’t require Se7en Bites to remove or alter the mural.