The newly renovated United Pentecostal Church (now the Samsara luxury condos) will be having their holiday open house on Sunday, December 13 from 2 to 7 p.m [GMap].
This is a chance for the general public to come get a look at this newly revamped historic building. Food and drink will be available free of charge, in exchange for a toy donation for Toys For Tots.
Take a look at our recent photo tour of the Lake Eola Heights project HERE.
Are they town homes or condos?
Chelsey Marie Chris LeBlanc lets go !
Sunday plan! Woot!
haha Sandy Greer there’s a GMap link in the post
Where is this?
Maddie. Let’s go!
… Vanesa, want to go check samsara out? 😉
Orrett Davis, We’re totally going!