Mayor Buddy Dyer let slip at the September 15 Budget Hearing that the City is planning to construct an 8-mile bike trail loop soon.

The 8.25 mile loop will connect already existing infrastructure with projects that have yet to break ground, like the second phase of Gertrude’s Walk and the Colonial Overpass. The loop will involve closing the Dinky Line Gap and the Downtown Connector Trail, during the 2016/2017 Fiscal Year.

The City, according to the Press Secretary and Keeper of Secrets Cassandra Lafser, is currently working with the developers with the Sears at Fashion Square Mall to fill in the gap of the bike trail there as well.

The trail is 60 percent complete, with three major gaps left to be constructed, including:

  • Colonial Overpass to Dinky Line Trail
  • Cady Way to Lake Underhill
  • Gertrude’s Walk Gap

Here’s the portion of the meeting at City Hall where Mayor Buddy Dyer refers to the Loop.

In reference to the video, the City told us that the City’s Bike Implementation Plan Project currently has over $100,000 left in their fund. This year’s budget proposal doesn’t have the annual $100,000 to the fund because, again, according to the City’s Press Secretary, the City is working on a larger implementation of the plan which will need considerably more funding. The plan is still in the works and will be presented to City Council to request the appropriate funding as soon as it’s ready.



Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of

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  1. I’d say about time, but that might be giving them more credit than they deserve. Sharrows and bike lanes are great for those who feel comfortable there, but they are not a working solution for everyone.
    We need far more protected lanes, easier access, and of course, expanded coverage.

  2. Looking at the map I’m having a hard time identifying exactly which part is the 8 mile loop? Also is this truly a trail or is a portion of the loop still going to be on surface streets? I wish there was an actual trail connecting the Orlando Urban Trail and Cady Way Trail. I think it would be really helpful as currently the signs direct you through residential neighborhoods and streets that don’t even have a bike lane.

  3. is there a key to the map. What do the R and S stand for and and the different colors mean. Orange looks to be existing trails

  4. Nope, no legend Sam, or we would have included it. Here’s hoping for protected lanes with the hinted increase in bike infrastructure funding.

  5. Is there a legend for this? Any word on what this “infrastructure” is going to consist of? If, with the exception of Gertrude’s Walk, we are looking at more on-road bike lanes with little-to-no protection, what’s the point?
    I’d like Orlando to actually get serious about bicycle infrastructure like every other city has, especially considering we have the highest fatality rate in the country.