Reports are rising of a potentially deadly, and highly contagious respiratory disease spreading among dogs in at least 14 states, including Florida.

According to the University of Florida’s College of Veterinary Medicine, the infections are not responding to common antibiotics, and experts are unsure of if it is something new or an extreme strain of Canine Infection Respiratory Disease Complex, or “kennel cough.”

The disease can cause coughing and sneezing, difficulty breathing, fever, nasal or eye discharge, weight loss and lethargy, and can sometimes lead to pneumonia. It is most likely caused through close contact and breathing in the same air of an infected animal.

Contact your vet immediately if your dog shows any symptoms and make sure their vaccinations are up to date. Social distancing is also encouraged to prevent any further transfer.

Orange County Animal Services was forced to halt the intake of dogs in September due to a case of canine pneumovirus, or kennel cough, in the facility. It has since started taking surrendered dogs again.

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  1. My cat had the exact same symptoms and was really sick for 2 weeks. He went to the emergency vet and back a few days later to the vet. And yes, my cat goes outside in my yard.