Palmer’s Feed and Seed (Facebook | Instagram) in Parramore needs your help to find a missing farm animal that disappeared this past weekend.

Paolo, a baby goat, disappeared overnight on Sunday, and the store has taken to social media to try to find him. His brother Franz is super devastated by his absence and the store is asking that if anyone has knowledge of Paolo’s whereabouts to contact them immediately.

Paolo has a streak of black down his back with little tufts of white on his tail and head. He also has little wattles on his throat and is known for being very vocal. So if you hear a baby goat bleating downtown, it could be him. If it’s not him, someone has some explaining to do, because like we told you before, you can’t have livestock on your property unless it’s zoned as “Agricultural’ by the Property Appraiser.

Palmer’s Feed and Seed is located at 912 W. Church Street [GMap] near the Inter and Co Stadium.

Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of

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