WMFE (Website), a nonprofit public media news organization and primary provider of NPR programming in Central Florida, has just gone through a massive rebranding and has changed its name to “Central Florida Public Media.”

According to a press release issued on April 3, the new name reflects the organization’s “… commitment to building on its 44 years of service to Central Florida, as well as a renewed focus on local journalism, as the only local, nonprofit news organization covering its nine-county region.”

“Our new name speaks to our home and footprint in a clear, concise way; highlights our community funded nonprofit status; and takes us beyond our broadcast frequency to embrace our full range of multimedia offerings.”


The organization has released a new logo, and a new tagline, which you can see above. The blue and green color palette is meant to capture “the essence of the Central Florida landscape.”

Central Florida Public Media has already started expanding its service with the launch of two new programs, Engage and The Wrap earlier this year. The organization’s radio call letters will remain the same, and audiences will still hear them on the air at the top of each hour, in compliance with Federal Communications Commission rules. 

Brendan O'Connor

Editor in Chief of Bungalower.com

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  1. You have clearly taken a poorly run station and made it worse. Congratulations! Clark Taylor

  2. WMFE–worst public radio station ON EARTH. Thanks to “Radio Garden” I can listen to really good NPR public stations like WNYC and others and don’t have to listen to WMFE, which has a long history of being appallingly bad in every way…