SPONSORED BY CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMISSION ON HOMELESSNESS: This is our latest rundown of the top ten things you need to know this week, in Orlando’s Bungalow Neighborhood news, and some bonus headlines you may have missed.

If you missed us on Real Radio 104.1 this past Friday, you can still listen to our 100th episode of “Bungalower and the Bus” HERE, recorded at Grill’s Lakeside Seafood Deck and Tiki Bar.


  1. StoryCorps is in town recording the stories of local Orlandoans at the Orlando Museum of Art until February 6.
  2. The new Robinson Cocktail Room is now open, adding to Team Market Group’s collection of heavily curated Downtown venues that already include Mather’s and Celine Orlando.
  3. We’ve got another Rental Roundup of homes you can rent for under $1,500 a month in Orlando’s downtown “bungalow” neighborhoods. It’s getting tough!
  4. John Grisham topped Orange County Library checkouts for 2018 which makes us worry about the literacy level in The City Beautiful.
  5. You asked, so we looked into it; the reason why the Jack Kazanzas star wasn’t totally lit up for the holidays is that they’re fixing it in stages.
  6. The “Jesus Never Fails” church in Thornton Park/Lawsona has moved out, and taken their infamous neon sign with them.
  7. Tribune Publishing continues investigation of malware attack as some processes still affected.” – Orlando Sentinel
  8. Jeff Radcliffe Won’t Be Back as Voice of Orlando City in 2019.” – The Mane Land
  9. Wild monkeys with herpes in Central Florida: Population on the verge of doubling.” – WFTV9
  10. Here’s what’s coming to the Orlando area in 2019.” – ClickOrlando.com





Checking out the @storycorps bus at the @orlandomuseumofart , where it will be until the first week of February, collecting Orlando stories! Great job @wmfeorlando ! More info on bungalower.com


Editor in Chief of Bungalower.com

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